“Bayview Builders has found advertising with Annapolis Home Magazine to be invaluable. AHM is a regular destination for a growing readership of very capable homeowners and industry professionals alike. The team, led by the publishers, is extremely involved in the local community through events and outreach, helping to connect advertisers and partners, as well as celebrating the amazing work and talent in our region.”
Bayview Builders

- Annapolis Home is a print and digital magazine that showcases the distinctive homes and lifestyles of the Chesapeake Bay region.
- Annapolis Home is a premier resource for homeowners looking to hire the top professionals in their various fields of expertise.
- Founded in 1649, Annapolis is the historic capital city of Maryland. The name Annapolis, however, encompasses more than just the city’s geographic boundaries. As a harbor town, Annapolis is among the most renowned representations of waterfront living, which is the primary focus of Annapolis Home.
- Annapolis Home is direct mailed, distributed, and widely read throughout greater Annapolis, the Eastern Shore, and the Washington D.C. region. The decision to make the magazine available in digital format has allowed us to expand our readership.

- The typical readers of Annapolis Home include those intending to hire a professional architect, custom builder, designer, landscaper, or financial advisor and those desiring to purchase a waterfront home. Our readers also dine at fine restaurants, travel the world, and acquire luxury items such as exclusive furniture, unique home accessories, fine jewelry, and yachts.
- Our readership spans all demographics, but the majority of our readers are men and women age 30 and above and come from affluent households.
- We seek advertisers who share our business philosophy. At Annapolis Home, we strive to showcase businesses that have a strong commitment to high standards of professional integrity and customer service.

- More than most other media, a print magazine is exceptionally effective in allowing you to target a specific audience and reach your ideal prospects. In this respect, print outperforms Internet marketing, which is an extremely crowded field.
- Advertising in Annapolis Home offers a platform to keep your brand top of mind before this affluent market and allows you to expand your customer base.
- Studies show that advertising in a print magazine—more than any other form of advertising—helps a business build trust and loyalty among its clients.
- Advertising across multiple platforms—both print and online—is often necessary for a business to thrive today.
- The typical small business in the greater Annapolis area spends between $12,000 and $40,000 annually on advertising per print magazine (i.e., direct mail), devoting 5% or more of its annual operating budget to marketing and advertising.
- Although print and direct mail magazine advertising is perhaps more expensive than other forms of advertising, such as the Internet, they are far more effective in building trust with discerning readers and strengthening a business’s brand.
The most important factors to consider include:
- Does the magazine’s readership align with my target market?
- How is the magazine distributed, and to whom?
- Does the quality of the magazine—its graphics, paper, and editorials—reflect the quality of my business?
- Does the magazine have a track record of stability and success?
Contacting Us:
After you contact us about advertising, we spend time learning about your business and understanding your goals. We then collaborate with you to devise a marketing plan designed to result in your business’s growth.